TRI DOG 2025
In all our events we consider your dog to be the pacemaker, in other words, the cyclist/rider must adapt the pace to the dog.
Your four-legged team-partner MUST ALWAYS be your prime consideration and so must never be dragged or pulled and should be, as far as possible, in front of the bike/scooter or before the runner.
You must slow down if your dog cannot run the pace.
The same applies to the swim section; your dog has to go voluntarily into the water! In the case of non-compliance (shown by you pushing, pulling or throwing your dog), immediate disqualification will take place!
It can happen, of course, that the dog does not want to swim, in which case wading will be permitted and if your dog refuses to go into the water, a walk to a time penalty box must be undertaken before the mountain bike can be started.
We are using the same rules for the aquabike participants as the Triathlon (see below), you will start with your swim, come out into the first transition area and start your bikejor from the exit of this transition point, however you will ride straight through the second transition area and equipment change and continue to the finish.
We are using the same rules for the aquathon participants as the Triathlon (see below), you will start with your swim, come out into the first transition area and start your canicross from the exit of this transition point, however you will run straight through the second transition area and equipment change and continue to the finish.
We are using the same rules for the duathlon participants (see below), you will begin in the bike transition area and start your duathlon from this point, missing out the swim section and equipment change.
The categories are as follows:
The timetable is provisional and without guarantee.
Arrivals from Friday 2:00 pm
Briefing Saturday 7.15 am
Racing starts from Saturday 8.00 am
Briefing Sunday 7.15 am
Racing starts from Sunday 8.00 am
Our main event is a Triathlon, which means it is a swim with your dog, a bikejor/scooter race and canicross race combined. The same dog and the same competitor must complete all sections and all races will be run consecutively. The event will start with the swim, transition to the wheeled section and finish with the run.
Before event:
Before the Tri-Dog Triathlon:
Transition Areas:
Transition process:
!!!! Dog > Equipment > Dog !!!!
!!!! Dog > Equipment > Dog !!!!
!!!! Dog > Equipment > Dog !!!!
Tri Dog will have accessible an official notice board with the following indications: time sequence of the event, regulations, list of participants, possible changes, results (after the last participant's arrival).
Complaints must be reported immediately to Tri Dog race organisers.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Will be available through the Facebook Page closer to the event, please check this for the most up to date information:
In all our events we consider your dog to be the pacemaker, in other words, the cyclist/rider must adapt the pace to the dog.
Your four-legged team-partner MUST ALWAYS be your prime consideration and so must never be dragged or pulled and should be, as far as possible, in front of the bike/scooter or before the runner.
You must slow down if your dog cannot run the pace.
The same applies to the swim section; your dog has to go voluntarily into the water! In the case of non-compliance (shown by you pushing, pulling or throwing your dog), immediate disqualification will take place!
It can happen, of course, that the dog does not want to swim, in which case wading will be permitted and if your dog refuses to go into the water, a walk to a time penalty box must be undertaken before the mountain bike can be started.
We are using the same rules for the aquabike participants as the Triathlon (see below), you will start with your swim, come out into the first transition area and start your bikejor from the exit of this transition point, however you will ride straight through the second transition area and equipment change and continue to the finish.
We are using the same rules for the aquathon participants as the Triathlon (see below), you will start with your swim, come out into the first transition area and start your canicross from the exit of this transition point, however you will run straight through the second transition area and equipment change and continue to the finish.
We are using the same rules for the duathlon participants (see below), you will begin in the bike transition area and start your duathlon from this point, missing out the swim section and equipment change.
- Please keep in mind that participating dogs must be well trained and at least 18 months old within one month of the competition. In addition, your dog must be able to be identified by a micro-chip and all required information must be stated truthfully.
- By entering into our event you are declaring to us, Tri-Dog, as the event organisers, that your dog is in good health and that the necessary vaccinations are up to date. In addition, you are confirming that your dog does not come from any disease area and from any area with veterinary traffic restrictions. This also applies to dogs who are not participating in the race, but who are staying in the event grounds.
- Our entry fees include the use of the signposted and supervised trail during the prescribed times and events only, the timing of the event, a memento of the event and medals for the best placed.
- In addition to this, several sponsoring companies are also offering spot prizes.
- If you are staying overnight at the race grounds in a tent, caravan or other vehicle, an additional charge has been included for your stay for the duration of the entire event.
- Participation is allowed with a dog of any breed and a minimum age of 18 months within one month of the competition, as long as your dog meets the physical and psychological requirements of the event.
- Due to the possibility of having to carry out overtaking manoeuvres, it is also particularly important that your dog is strong enough, confident enough and well trained enough to avoid problems.
- You must also be aware that Tri Dog does not condone the use of any illicit, performance enhancing drugs for either you or your dog.
- In the case of an incident or accident, as the owner, you are responsible for your dog.
- Tri Dog cannot be held responsible for any problems with third parties. Therefore, as the participant, you must ensure that you have taken out liability insurance for your dog.
- You must also ensure that your dog is on-lead at all times during the entire event.
- By completing the form of participation, you are also confirming that you will follow the rules of the event. Even if you have not read the regulations and participated in the event, you must accept this.
- When participating in the "Tri Dog" Contest you, the participant, must take full responsibility for your health and your dog's health. Any rescue or rescue costs must be borne by you, the participant.
- A participant who fails to comply with the regulations set forth in these regulations may be excluded from the event (even without warning), with a starting fee already paid.
The categories are as follows:
- Triathlon Male
- Triathlon Female
- AquaBike Male
- AquaBike Female
- Aquathon Male
- Aquathon Female
- Duathlon Male
- Duathlon Female
- Canicross Male
- Canicross Female
The timetable is provisional and without guarantee.
Arrivals from Friday 2:00 pm
Briefing Saturday 7.15 am
Racing starts from Saturday 8.00 am
Briefing Sunday 7.15 am
Racing starts from Sunday 8.00 am
Our main event is a Triathlon, which means it is a swim with your dog, a bikejor/scooter race and canicross race combined. The same dog and the same competitor must complete all sections and all races will be run consecutively. The event will start with the swim, transition to the wheeled section and finish with the run.
Before event:
- Please take your required equipment, especially your wheeled equipment, to the clearly marked transition areas. In the appropriate transition area you must use the kit bag provided and ensure that your kit bag and equipment is clearly marked with your starting number.
Before the Tri-Dog Triathlon:
- Please check that you have attached your number to yourself, for the swim, this must be your numbered swim cap (provided by us) and for the bike / canicross your bib (also provided by us) .
- You will also be given a chip to wear on your left ankle and must be secured to you at all times for you to get a time.
- The wearing of a wetsuit is mandatory and can offer protection against dog scratches, this wetsuit MUST be removed in the transition area and not worn to bike or run in.
- Please check your dog’s harness is correctly worn and that your bikejor/scooting line is securely attached.
- Please ensure your bike is in good working order and brakes/gears are functional before getting to the start line.
- Muzzles may not be worn in the water for the swim element but can be used for the bike and run element as long as they allow your dog to open their mouth fully to breathe and pant.
- The use of slip leads, slip collars, haltis or any other restrictive equipment is also not permitted during the races but can be used to get your dog to the start line.
- Swimming supports, such as flippers, are not allowed.
- Please note that we are not allowing float rope for the swim of longer than 1.5 metres, bungee lines can be up to 2.5 metres.
- For the bikejor/scooter section please check that you are wearing the obligatory helmet, gloves and glassses are advisable.
- Use your common sense in lining up and waiting for your start time, try not to over-excite your dog or other dogs.
- When you are called forward to enter the water for the swim, an individual entry at timed intervals, please follow the guidance of the starter and place yourself on the starting line.
- You are allowed the use of a toy to encourage your dog to swim in the water, however you must not interfere with another competitor by throwing a toy in front of them and should endeavour to remove the toy from the water so as not to distract other competitors
Transition Areas:
- All bikejor/scooter equipment must have been placed in the transition area prior to the race.
- All canicross race equipment must have been placed in the transition area prior to the race.
- In the transition area is a dog stakeout line and it must be used during transition.
- All dogs have to be connected at the collar or harness during transition period, as free running dogs are not allowed in transition.
- The dog has to be kept under the handler's control within the transition area at all times.
- No one but competitors should be in the transition area during the competition.
- You are not allowed anyone to handle your dog through the transition, you should be able to manage your own dog from the stake out to the transition exit.
- If you request prior special permission from the organisers, you may have someone to stand with your dog in the transition area, but this handler cannot help you in any way and is only allowed to stand at the stake out.
- Bikes, scooters and dogs all have to be walked in the transition area.
Transition process:
!!!! Dog > Equipment > Dog !!!!
- As you enter the walking transition area, clearly signposted, you will need to identify the location of your wheeled equipment and your kit, which will be stored in the transition area itself.
- In the transition area your dog has to be attached to the event-stakeout line, before you can collect your bike/scooter and swap over your equipment for the wheeled section.
- Only confident and compatible dogs should be placed next to each other on the stakeout lines. If there is any question please attach your dog onto a space where the range between the dogs is big enough.
- Your dog will be observed by one of our volunteer marshals, but they are not responsible for your dog.
- Once you have attached your dog to the stake out you can collect your bike/scooter and put on your bike/scooter equipment.
- When you and your equipment are ready you should then return to the stakeout line, collect your dog and only then attach your dog to your bike/scooter, via the bikejor attachment.
- You must walk calmly and steadily out of the transition area until you reach the sign that tells you that you can now start riding, with your dog.
!!!! Dog > Equipment > Dog !!!!
- Shortly before the transition area officially starts all competitors are encouraged to modify their speed.
- As you enter the walking transition area, clearly signposted, you will need to dismount from your bike/scooter and walk into the transition area itself.
- In the transition area competitors and dogs must walk at all times. There must be no running.
- In the transition area your dog has to be attached to the event-stakeout line, before you can leave your bike and swap over your equipment for the run.
- Only confident and compatible dogs should be placed next to each other on the stakeout lines. If there is any question please attach your dog onto a space where the range between the dogs is big enough.
- Your dog will be observed by one of our volunteer marshals, but they are not responsible for your dog.
- Once you have attached your dog to the stake out you can park your bike/scooter, remove your bike/scooter equipment and then put on your canicross race equipment.
- You should then return to the stakeout line, collect your dog and only then attach your dog to your race belt.
- You must walk calmly and steadily out of the transition area until you reach the sign that tells you that you can now start running with your dog.
!!!! Dog > Equipment > Dog !!!!
- Each participating dog must wear a suitable harness to which the bikejor/scooter/canicross line is attached and must allow your dog full freedom of movement.
- The length of the line must not exceed 2.5 m when the shock absorber is pulled taut.
- In cycling/scooting, the line must be attached to the bike, preferably via a recognised bikejor attachment, and NOT to the human or bikejor attachment itself.
- Whilst we do not specify a type of bike or scooter, it must be in good working order with suitable brakes and be regularly maintained to ensure it's safety.
- No e-bikes are allowed.
- There is a requirement to wear a wetsuit when swimming/wading which must be removed within the first transition area.
- There is a requirement to wear a helmet when cycling/scooting and gloves are advisable.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that all of your equipment is in a safe, working order.
- Your race number has to put in a visible position on you and your equipment.
- Naturally, all valid animal welfare laws have to be complied with by dog owners, participants and anyone else who is attending the event.
- You are not allowed to physically abuse, torment or harm your dog or any other dog in any way. If such an occurrence becomes known, whether by witnesses, by photographic evidence or by the management of the event, this will result in your immediate exclusion!
- On the trail you must make way if another, faster competitor calls “Coming through!”, "Trail!" Or "Trail left/right!" You must not hinder the overtaking process.
- Tri Dog also expects all of our competitors to adhere to the rules of sporting fairness and courtesy throughout the event.
- Please behave, at all times, in a sensible and sensitive nature.
- Any complaints must be communicated to one of the race organisers within 30 minutes of the end of the days racing, anything not reported within this time cannot be dealt with in regard to that days race.
Tri Dog will have accessible an official notice board with the following indications: time sequence of the event, regulations, list of participants, possible changes, results (after the last participant's arrival).
Complaints must be reported immediately to Tri Dog race organisers.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Will be available through the Facebook Page closer to the event, please check this for the most up to date information: